Fast Fury (DEA FAST Series Book 5) Page 5
Abby’s fingers tightened around the stem of her wineglass, her mouth going dry. His words resonated in a hidden place inside her, a soft, defenseless spot she’d long ago locked up and fortified with armor that she didn’t allow anyone to get close to. And suddenly all she could think about was Kai, his strong hands winding in her hair, one muscled arm wrapping around her hips as he hoisted her in the air and pinned her to the wall with that powerful body, his mouth fused with hers.
Holy. Shit.
There was no way she could pretend to misunderstand his intent this time. She sat up taller, drew in a badly needed breath of air. “Kai, we’re friends.”
“I know. But we could be more. A lot more.” His dark stare never wavered, and the intensity there sent a tendril of heat through her. “All the pieces are there.”
There was no denying she wanted him, was insanely attracted to him. But she didn’t trust her judgment about men any more than she did his about women. “I value our friendship. And I’m not willing to risk that for the chance to be your rebound girl.”
“You wouldn’t be, because I know and care about you. I just wasn’t sure whether you were attracted to me.”
She barked out an incredulous laugh. “Are you insane? You know what you look like. But for me, it’s not that simple.” Much as the offer tempted her, as much as they liked and respected each other, and both knew what a relationship shouldn’t be…
This wasn’t as easy as simply making the decision to lower her guard and take a chance on a hook up with him. Because sex always complicated things. At least in her experience. And usually with disastrous consequences.
“I’m not willing to risk losing you if things don’t work out.” Even if she was certain she would appreciate him and treat him the way he deserved. Part of her desperately wanted to show him what that looked like.
“And what if it did work out?” he challenged, his dark stare unwavering.
She didn’t have an answer to that. Didn’t trust that it might be possible. So it was time to leave. “It’s getting late. I’d better get going.” Standing, she carried her wineglass to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.
When she turned around, Kai was standing between the kitchen island and the front door, that deep, dark gaze locked on her. He held out her backpack and keys to her.
“Thanks,” she murmured, not meeting his eyes as she took them and slipped her shoes on.
He didn’t touch her as he walked her down the hall to the elevator and stepped inside it with her, but the moment those doors slid shut, the invisible tension between them intensified so much she could feel the latent electricity crackling along her skin. He stood at her back, close enough for his body heat to lick at her spine, the back of her neck. And God help her, part of her wondered why the hell she was denying herself. Why she shouldn’t just turn around and kiss him the way she was dying to.
Sanity prevailed, and she pulled in a deep breath when the doors opened at the parking garage. “Well, thanks for dinner. I’ll let you know if I get the call about Maui—”
She broke off when Kai gripped her upper arm and spun her around. Before she even knew what was happening, he’d pulled the backpack off her shoulder, locked one arm around her hips and hoisted her into the air.
Abby gasped and automatically grabbed his shoulders for balance. A heartbeat later he had her pressed against the concrete wall around the corner from the elevator, one large, strong hand cupping the back of her head.
Unable to breathe at the feel of him plastered against her in such a blatant, possessive hold, she stared helplessly into those molten dark chocolate eyes.
You need a guy who will pick you up, pin you to the wall and kiss you until you can’t think, because he can’t get enough of you.
His earlier words echoed in her head, unleashing a tidal wave of arousal through her body. She should stop this. Say something. But her mind was utterly blank.
Her breasts tingled, the nipples beading tight, and a hot throb ignited between her legs. He was hot and hard all over, the unmistakable, thick ridge of his erection pressing against the center of her jeans, lighting her up in a single, dizzying rush of need and desire.
And then his mouth came down on hers and she couldn’t think at all. Could only feel as he gripped the back of her head and kissed her, a smooth, hungry blend of lips and tongue that turned her body to liquid.
Oh, God, the way he used his mouth…
She sank her fingers deeper into his shoulders, a velvet ripple of heat expanding in her belly as his muscles bunched and flexed beneath her hands. He smelled amazing, clean, masculine spice, and he stroked and caressed the inside of her mouth with such sensual skill that she could only whimper and give him what he wanted.
She was only vaguely aware of the elevator dinging and the doors swishing open somewhere off in the background. Kai broke the kiss but didn’t let her go, keeping her pinned to the wall with his body as he stared into her eyes. Breathing hard, Abby gazed back at him in shock, her body on fire, pulse thudding in her ears.
Holy. Shit.
“That’s how it should be,” he said in a low voice that sent a delicious shiver up her spine. “If a guy doesn’t kiss you like that, like he wants to crawl inside you and stay there forever, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
Unable to form a single coherent thought, much less a response, she could only stare into those dark, intense eyes while her insides quivered and her heart knocked against her ribs. No one had ever made her feel like that. Not ever.
Slowly, Kai eased the pressure of his hips and chest against her, let her slide down the front of his powerful body until her feet touched the ground. She continued to cling to his muscled shoulders a moment, struggling to find her balance, battle the haze of arousal he’d left her in.
Without a word, he turned away and bent to scoop her backpack and keys off the ground. Snagging her hand in his, he led her to her car. By the time he’d unlocked it and she’d slid behind the wheel, her brain was functioning again, only now it was in overdrive.
They’d just crossed so many lines. They couldn’t go back to the way it had been before. What did that mean for them?
Kai leaned down to peer at her through the open door, one thick forearm braced against the top of her car, his gaze intent. “You okay to drive?”
She was still dizzy as hell, grappling with this sudden, shocking shift between them. “Yes.”
He searched her eyes a moment, then a slight, sexy grin tugged at his mouth. The mouth that had just taught her everything she’d never known about kissing. Shown her the kind of passion she’d been missing out on her entire life.
How much more had she missed out on? She squeezed her thighs together to stem the ache between them, had to bite back a moan at the thought of what else Kai could teach her.
He leaned in, cupping the side of her face with one hand, and kissed her softly before easing away. “Drive carefully, shortcake,” he murmured.
She managed a nod, struggling to get her body back under control.
He straightened and shut her door, stepped back while she fired up the engine and reversed out of her spot.
Not short stuff anymore. Shortcake. The significance of the upgrade wasn’t lost on her.
Abby didn’t even remember the drive home. All she could think about was that kiss and what it had felt like to finally be wrapped up in Kai’s arms.
And oh, hell, whether it was crazy or not, she wanted more.
Chapter Five
The number on display was unfamiliar, with a California area code. Hani got into his vehicle before answering his cell phone, looking around to make sure he hadn’t attracted any unwanted attention. People around here recognized him, even if they didn’t know his name. All his best customers lived in Happy Valley. “Yeah.”
“This Hani?” an unfamiliar, Spanish-accented male voice asked.
“Who’s this?” he demanded, suspicious.
“Name’s Juan.”
He didn’t know anyone named Juan. “How did you get this number?”
“From Pedro. You heard about him, right?”
Hani set his jaw. Yeah, he’d heard about Pedro. His Veneno supplier. Well, former supplier. Pedro had been executed with two bullets to the face sometime last night. Police had found his body floating amongst the rocks this morning at Turtle Town, down in Makena. “What do you want?”
“Calling to tell you there’s a new boss in charge. From now on, you answer to me, cabrón.”
Hani didn’t like his tone, or the attitude. “Who’s in charge?” Although he was afraid he already knew. With the former lieutenant Ruiz in prison and awaiting trial, it opened a turbulent and dangerous power vacuum back in Mexico.
“Let’s just say, the rumors are true.”
Nieto. God damn… “Since when?”
“Since this morning. I’m flying in tomorrow. I want a face to face meeting.”
So “Juan” could have one of his enforcers kill Hani? “I’m busy.”
Juan laughed. “Better clear your schedule then. Because you either do business my way, or you don’t do business at all.”
The implied threat was clear enough, but Hani didn’t trust that Juan wasn’t simply planning to off him at this meeting anyway.
“And don’t bother trying to leave the island. I’ve got eyes everywhere. You try to run, I’ll find you.”
Hani itched to hang up on the cocky son of a bitch, but didn’t have the guts. “I’ll be here,” he muttered.
“Good. How’s your grandma, by the way? Heard she’s been slowing down lately. And any word from your cousin?”
A chill spread through his gut. “Haven’t seen him in years. And leave her out of this. She’s got nothing to do with my business.”
“She’ll be fine as long as you play by the rules.”
Juan’s rules. Whatever they were. Hani would have to learn them in a hurry.
“As for your cousin, he’s made a real name for himself recently.”
“What?” Kai had cut contact with him years ago with an invitation back into his life if Hani ever went straight, but last he’d heard, his cousin had gotten out of the Marines and was in some sort of law enforcement job back on the mainland.
“Oh, yeah. He’s big time now. With the DEA, on one of its FAST teams.”
Hani closed his eyes and cursed silently. He knew what FAST teams did, because it was his industry they went after. The news wasn’t welcome, but in some ways it wasn’t a complete shock, either. Didn’t surprise him that his cousin had made the DEA’s tier one unit.
Kai had always excelled at everything he did. He never quit. While Hani had wanted the easy life, the get rich quick life, and been sucked down to the place he found himself now. It hurt like hell to learn that his lifelong idol was now his nemesis.
“Yep,” Juan continued in an oily tone. “Ruiz put a bounty on your cousin’s head before he was captured. New boss says he’ll honor it if any of us takes him out. Had someone staking out his old place for a while, but never saw him. So if you see him, you could wind up a rich man. You can tell me all about him when we meet up. And we will meet up in person, Hani.”
“I said I’d be here,” Hani snapped.
“Yeah, I’m not worried.” Juan hung up.
Hani exhaled hard and dragged a hand down his face. This business could make you rich. It could also kill you in the space of a single heartbeat.
There was no point in trying to hide. The island was a small place, and even the most remote places here weren’t big enough to allow him to hide for long. Word amongst the locals spread fast, and the place was crawling with tourists. Leaving wasn’t an option, because the Venenos controlled the ports and had people inside the airports as well.
But he wouldn’t run anyhow. Even though he’d chosen this path, chosen to live on the wrong side of the law and make money off others’ misery, he would never knowingly jeopardize his tutu. His grandmother had raised him and Kai, had sacrificed so much to give them a loving, secure home. The only love and security they’d ever known, except for each other. Hani couldn’t leave to save his own skin and risk something happening to her in retaliation.
Reaching for the key in the ignition of his brand new F-150, he froze, his pulse stuttering when he caught sight of his grandmother on the sidewalk out in front of the grocery store. It had been weeks since he’d last stopped in to see her at her place in the upcountry. She must be here for her weekly grocery run and to visit friends from the old neighborhood.
Hani sighed, torn. He loved her, and she still loved him, even though his choices had broken her heart. She still refused to give up on him, told him she prayed every night for him to give up the life he’d chosen and be the man she knew he was meant to be.
He didn’t deserve her faith. The man she wanted him to be didn’t exist. Maybe he never had.
Her wrinkled face brightened when she spotted him, making his heart twist in his chest. She made a beeline for his truck, three bulging grocery bags in each small fist.
Guilt smothering him, Hani got out and rushed to take them from her. “Hi, Tutu,” he murmured, bending to kiss her papery cheek as she threw her arms around his shoulders.
“Been too long since I saw you,” she chided, squeezing him tight. It hurt him, deep inside. She loved him so fiercely, and he didn’t understand why.
“I know. Been busy. Come on, I’ll drive you home.” He hated that she wouldn’t drive. He’d offered to buy her a car so many times, but she’d refused unless the money he paid for it with was clean money. So she stubbornly continued to take the bus into Kahului three or four times a week, carrying her groceries and supplies home with her. Today, she’d come to Happy Valley instead.
He put the groceries into the back seat and helped her into the front, lifting her slight frame into the leather seat.
“New ride?” she asked, her tone making him groan inwardly.
“Yeah,” he muttered, shutting her door quickly before she could start in on him about where he’d gotten the money. She knew exactly where he got it.
She eyed him with those piercing, dark brown eyes when he slid behind the wheel and started the engine. “I heard they found a local boy down in Makena today. Shot dead by someone. Police say he was a drug dealer.”
Hani hid a wince. Pedro. He’d been far more than a simple drug dealer. “I heard that too.”
“I don’t want it to be you one day, Hani. I couldn’t take that.”
The sadness and fear in her voice made him squirm inside. His whole downward spiral had begun with hanging out with the wrong crowd in middle school. They’d shown him how to earn money. Fast money. Lots of it. Stealing stuff, delivering drugs, selling it.
Some had died since then, others moved away or become addicts themselves. While Hani was still here, stuck in the rut he’d created for himself. Sometimes he dreamed about getting out, starting over someplace new. But he couldn’t without the cartel coming after him. He was trapped.
“I know. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He cleared his throat, changed the subject before she could continue. “So, what’s the latest with you?”
“Kai’s coming home.”
Hani’s entire body stiffened. “What?”
“Called me the other day. He’s going to Oahu for something, and then he’s coming to spend a few days here after.”
Panic burst inside him. “When?”
She shrugged. “He wasn’t sure of the dates. Maybe within the next week or so.” She shot him a sidelong look. “He’ll be staying with me. Would be nice if you would be there too.”
Him in the same house with a DEA FAST member who had a bounty on his head? “Tutu, I don’t know if it’s a good idea for him to stay with you.”
She frowned. “Why not? I barely ever get to see him anymore.”
Because the Venenos are gunning for him, and he could put you in danger.
We both could.
Hani wracked his brain, but co
uldn’t think of a good reason to give her without incriminating himself. Dammit.
“Will you come see him?” she pressed. “You boys were so close for most of your lives. It breaks my heart to see this rift between you.” She reached for his hand, pried it from the steering wheel and folded it between hers, her skin papery against his. “Please. For me. I’m getting older. I don’t know how many years I have left, and I need to know you boys are both going to be okay after I die. I need to know you’ll both look after one another.”
The plea undid him. This woman had given him so much, and she’d never asked him for anything, except to turn straight. She was almost eighty. Didn’t have much longer on this earth.
His conscience pricked at him like hot needles. He’d denied her everything else. He couldn’t deny her this too. “Yeah, all right. I’ll come by.” He’d figure something out.
Even as he said it, an ominous weight settled in the pit of his stomach. If the cartel found out that Kai was here on Maui, Hani would be put in the position of either watching someone kill his cousin…or becoming a target himself.
The boat bobbed gently on the waves, the water beneath it a deep, cobalt blue. In the distance, the shoreline of Lahaina was just visible.
Diane stood at the stern of the charter catamaran with the alabaster urn in her hands, alone as the warm, salt-tinged breeze blew around her. The captain and first mate were both inside the wheelhouse, giving her total privacy.
Bailey had loved the ocean. She’d loved sailing, surfing. Even just sitting on the lanai looking out at the water. Making this her final resting place seemed the most fitting spot.
Diane gazed out over the distant horizon, her heart heavy as lead in her breast. There were no more tears. Her grief was too deep, too terrible. All that was left now was the need for vengeance, and deep, aching emptiness that would never go away.